Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dr. Moghissi's Kale Chips

I am not sure if you have noticed but it has been cold lately. Like really cold.
I grew up in Florida so anything under 75 is freezing.
This means that fall is just around the corner and with it comes all sorts veggies to experiment with. One such vegetable that Dr. Moghissi loves is kale. She comes in pretty much every day with a fresh batch of kale chips to munch on and she has graciously given me the recipe so that it can be shared with everyone!

Take some fresh kale (Dr. Moghissi gets hers from the local Farmer's Market) and tear it into chunks, about the size of a regular potato chip. How big or small you make the kale will alter your cooking time.

Toss your kale in olive oil and sea salt and place on a regular cookie sheet. The kale needs to be completely coated in olive oil when they hit the oven. Make sure that you spread the kale out so that the leaves are not overlapping too much. It'll help the kale get to uniform crunchiness. 
Cook your kale in a 350 degree oven for anywhere between 8-14 minutes. You want the kale to be crunchy but not burnt, so keep an eye on it. Just be forewarned, your house may smell after cooking kale like this (in a similar way to how brussel sprouts smell if that gives you any idea).

And voila! Here's the finished product of crunchy, good-for-you kale chips!

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